Monday, July 11, 2016

Who's Doing the Work? Chapter 6

My Take-Aways: Putting it all Together

-Reading instruction should focus on the reading process.
-Integrate strategies into the complete reading process.
-Constructing meaning is the purpose of reading.
-Reading instruction should focus on reading not on isolated strategies and skills.
-Gradual release of responsibility and the four instructional contexts contribute to accelerating student proficiency with increased text difficulties.

The goal is to minimizing teacher scaffolding (carrying) and maximizing student productive effort (hard work that results in success instead of frustration)

Teacher Language and Maximizing the Student Role (137)

Text Level and Maximizing the Student Role (138)

Instructional Context
Text Level
Read Aloud
Substantially above grade level or at the average listening comprehension level of the group.
Shared Reading
On or a little above grade level or just beyond the average reading level of the group.
Guided Reading
On the group’s instructional reading level.
Independent Reading
On reader’s individual independent reading level.

Instructional Context and Maximizing the Student Role (139-140)
Instructional Context
Characteristics of the work
Students focus on meaning.
Teacher manages the print.
Teacher models print and meaning making behaviors.
Experience is pleasurable, engaging and fun.
Shared Reading
Students and teacher have access to the text.
Students and teacher share the work of integrating print and meaning.
Discussion is around reading process.
Students practice integrating strategies taught during read aloud.
Teacher may create anchor chart for reference.
Experience is pleasurable, engaging and fun.
Guided Reading
Students and teacher have access to the text.
Students do most of the work integrating print and meaning.
Teacher offers support through prompting cues (see above).
Students practice integrating strategies taught during read aloud and practiced during shared reading.
Students refer to anchor charts.
Experience is pleasurable, engaging and fun.
Independent Reading
Only students access the text.
Students do all the work integrating print and meaning.
Students refer to anchor charts.
Experience is pleasurable, engaging and fun.

Integrating and Aligning the 4 Instructional Contexts (141)
Teacher Models strategies
Students Practice strategies
Shared Reading
Teacher Observes student applying strategies
Guided Reading
Teacher Expects students to apply strategies
Independent Reading

-Use anchor charts to support student
-Teach when to use the strategy
-Teach how to use the strategy

Follow the discussion for Who’s doing the Work? on Facebook: Literacy Teacher Book Club 

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